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Ben Altman
Charisma On Command
% lift from Proof
I started using Proof on my opt-in pages and saw an 8.2% increase in opt-ins. What an effortless way to grow our email list and our revenue :-)

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Nathan Chan
Foundr Magazine
% lift from Proof
Proof allows us to increase conversions for every part of the funnel and also gives a great element of social proof to our brand. Highly recommend this software.

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Mike Kelly
% lift from Proof
I'm always impressed by how much @UseProof gives a shit about their users. Y'all are an inspiration for what every SaaS company should strive to be!

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Dave Robertson
% lift from Proof
I recently launched a new SaaS startup and Proof has given my company instant credibility and 'social proof' which has increased conversions and new user sign-ups!

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Cyrus Khambatta
Mastering Diabetes
% lift from Proof
Proof is an indispensable tool for our business that is VERY effective at making prospective clients feel compelled to sign up for an offer or purchase a product. We know from experience that people are very "enticed" when they see many proof notifications.

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Brendan Burns
Brendan H. Burns
% lift from Proof
Proof has enabled me to increase conversions on my opt-in forms and sales pages so that I can focus on other areas of my business.You know when you see something working and you just know that you need it for your business? Well that’s Proof. Because it is so powerful, effective, and easy to implement. When I added Proof to my webinar landing page, my conversion rate nearly doubled from the 30% opt-in range to more than 50% (and now routinely north of 60%) opt-in rates from COLD traffic! I have since added Proof to all of my sales pages and anywhere else I can think of. It has driven down my customer acquisition cost significantly and it allows me to shift back to focusing on delivering value to my audience and customers. If you are looking for looking for a fast way to make big changes to your business, get Proof today. A big thank you to the Proof team!

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Brian DeChesare
Breaking Into Wallstreet
% lift from Proof
Proof has increased trust on our site and boosted conversion rates by 20-25% on many products. It's my definition of a "quick win" - easy setup and immediately visible results.

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Chris Brisson
Call Loop
% lift from Proof
Proof is one of those "no-brainer" apps that can only help increase your conversions through basic human psychology... social proof. We've seen a bump in signups ever since we started using Proof. It's so easy why would you NOT use it?

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The Sales Gorilla
% lift from Proof
Proof is amazing for displaying instant authority in your market... by using Social Proof :)

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Ethan Sigmon
% lift from Proof
Within only a few days and with no other changes, it was clear registrations were up by 7% because of Proof.

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Mike Kelly
% lift from Proof
I'm always impressed by how much @UseProof gives a shit about their users. Y'all are an inspiration for what every SaaS company should strive to be!

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Dave Robertson
% lift from Proof
I recently launched a new SaaS startup and Proof has given my company instant credibility and 'social proof' which has increased conversions and new user sign-ups!

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Chris Brisson
Call Loop
% lift from Proof
Proof is one of those "no-brainer" apps that can only help increase your conversions through basic human psychology... social proof. We've seen a bump in signups ever since we started using Proof. It's so easy why would you NOT use it?

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Ethan Sigmon
% lift from Proof
Within only a few days and with no other changes, it was clear registrations were up by 7% because of Proof.

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Devin Zander
% lift from Proof
Proof is amazing, we even considered building our own version we loved it so much... But why create what's already perfect. David, Austin and the Proof team has allowed our company to easily boost conversion rates on everything we do and all it takes us is two minutes to setup.

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Matthew Osborn
% lift from Proof
Proof instantly boosts our conversions by placing timely and accurate social validation on the pages that matter most.

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Jesse Wisnewski
% lift from Proof
On our site, we show how many customers we have and logos of our customers. Proof adds that extra layer of social proof in real-time which has boosted signups.

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Aaron Krall
% lift from Proof
If you want to increase conversions, you need Proof.

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Gary Plowman
Testimonial Robot
% lift from Proof
A lovely product! I get a kick seeing new signups on our website and what part of the world they are from :)

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Brent Werbeck
Get More Reviews
% lift from Proof
Proof as a whole has helped us convert more website visitors into free trials. Prospects frequently mention how cool Proof is and want to know where to get it.

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Ryan Helms
% lift from Proof
I ❤️ Proof because it helps the audience get instant validation that other people have already committed to what they are about to do. #icebreaker

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George Hirst
Comfort Truss
% lift from Proof
With a new product launch this is exactly what my website needed. After the launch I have had consistently higher conversion rates that I thought were even possible. I truly believe that proof is helping tremendously by showing instant social proof to potential customers. Use Proof!

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Dave Williams
Whitaker Brothers Business Machines
% lift from Proof
All things being equal (campaigning, content, etc), we're now converting around twice as many buyers. Proof has had a major impact, strong recommend: if you're thinking about integrating Proof, stop thinking. Just do it.

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LED Technologies, Inc.
% lift from Proof
Helps create the lemming effect showing viewers how many other people have purchased.

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Dean Spinato
Anti3 Protect Series
% lift from Proof
By adding Proof to our website, potential clients are more engaged and it encourages them to become a new custumer.

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Ben Altman
Charisma On Command
% lift from Proof
I started using Proof on my opt-in pages and saw an 8.2% increase in opt-ins. What an effortless way to grow our email list and our revenue :-)

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Cyrus Khambatta
Mastering Diabetes
% lift from Proof
Proof is an indispensable tool for our business that is VERY effective at making prospective clients feel compelled to sign up for an offer or purchase a product. We know from experience that people are very "enticed" when they see many proof notifications.

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Brendan Burns
Brendan H. Burns
% lift from Proof
Proof has enabled me to increase conversions on my opt-in forms and sales pages so that I can focus on other areas of my business.You know when you see something working and you just know that you need it for your business? Well that’s Proof. Because it is so powerful, effective, and easy to implement. When I added Proof to my webinar landing page, my conversion rate nearly doubled from the 30% opt-in range to more than 50% (and now routinely north of 60%) opt-in rates from COLD traffic! I have since added Proof to all of my sales pages and anywhere else I can think of. It has driven down my customer acquisition cost significantly and it allows me to shift back to focusing on delivering value to my audience and customers. If you are looking for looking for a fast way to make big changes to your business, get Proof today. A big thank you to the Proof team!

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The Sales Gorilla
% lift from Proof
Proof is amazing for displaying instant authority in your market... by using Social Proof :)

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Dr. Carrie Rose
% lift from Proof
Proof has developed one of the most innovative ideas in online marketing, If you're running traffic to your site, you need this pronto!

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Danny Rubin
% lift from Proof
I am targeting skeptical teachers to sell them educational materials. I know Proof helps convince them to pass along their contact info. And once they convert, all kinds of interesting conversations ensue.

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Corey Gladwell
Corey Gladwell
% lift from Proof
We've seen significantly higher conversions with opt ins, scheduled calls, purchase rate. The list goes on. I wouldn't build it or a funnel without it ever again.

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Franck Rocca
% lift from Proof
When I added Proof to my webinar landing page, my conversion rate nearly doubled from the 30% opt-in range to more than 50% (and now routinely north of 60%) opt-in rates from COLD traffic! I have since added Proof to all of my sales pages and anywhere else I can think of. It has driven down my customer acquisition cost significantly and it allows me to shift back to focusing on delivering value to my audience and customers.

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Josh Fechter
% lift from Proof
If you're optimizing your website, Proof is a no-brainer to increase conversion rates. It helped double the conversion rates from Product Hunt for my eBook.

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Eric Thayne
Cinema Mastery
% lift from Proof
Proof has doubled or tripled the conversion on pretty much every page I've put it on. You can't afford not to use it.

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David Schloss
% lift from Proof
HELL YES! 30 of my 40 clients use Proof and their conversions are exponentially better.

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Rob Warner
% lift from Proof
At Invisible PPC we constantly test new tools and techniques to increase client results from their paid traffic campaigns. We tested Proof on a client with a $50k monthly ad spend on a well-tested landing page and boosted conversions over 31%. That’s a huge win for the client and has resulted in Proof being rolled out to other clients and our own internal landing pages.

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Greg Hickman
% lift from Proof
Build trust and authority with new prospects requires trust. With Proof we can demonstrate without question how many others have trusted us to help them in their business. That transparency has increased our conversion on every opt-in page we have. If you want to show that you're the real deal, get Proof ASAP.

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Christiaan Vermeulen
% lift from Proof
Since getting HOT STREAKS running a couple days ago the number of new paid subscribers has jumped insanely higher. We have done a few other things to improve conversions also but just LOVE your product/service, I know its definitely improved our business and added another layer of trust/professionalism.

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Nate Morse
% lift from Proof
Testimonies are important because they give a feeling of safety, and Fear of Missing Out. Proof adds a whole other dimension of real-life testimonies on top of your current long form ones.

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Richard Patey
% lift from Proof
Signing up to Proof was an easy decision for me. I ran the math and it only needed to increase optin rate by 1% to instantly pay for itself. It took me just five minutes to set up and it achieved an instant 15% conversion rate increase.

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Kim Barrett
Your Social Voice
% lift from Proof
I love proof because it allows me to add social interaction to my pages - and drives my Facebook lead cost down DRAMATICALLY!

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Joseph Wood
% lift from Proof
Because it proves to my clients that others are taking action and helps them take the next step thanks to the power of social proof.

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Adrian Hummel
Story Tape
% lift from Proof
We love using Proof because it's simple and effective. It's the one piece of software you can add and see immediate results almost instantly.

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Shawn Manaher
Nexus Affects
% lift from Proof
Proof consistently allows our client campaigns to perform better than our competition and keeps our clients staying with us for months and months!

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